Canadian Confronts A Punk: NSFW Banter Ensues

Canadian Confronts Young and Restless Neighbor Over Loud Exhaust, NSFW Banter Ensues

Reed G. from Canada has been having a problem lately with one of his neighbors, and more specifically, with a young man and his rowdy VW Jetta that had its muffler extracted,  and occasionally, with his snow machines too. Now, we know what this sounds like (pun intended) to petrol-heads, but before you deal out a swift judgment, do check out the video first that Reed G. recorded a few days ago. 
From this clip, as the Jetta approaches, it doesn't sound overly annoying (though, we don't know if he went up and down the road before), but then, the driver pulls into his house and gives it a…goodnight rev (that was admittedly loud), especially at 2 in the morning. 

When Reed G. calmly confronted the man with a camera in his hands, the young owner of the Jetta, who may or may not have been intoxicated, blew a…head gasket and verbally attacked his neighbor in a disrespectful manner (NSFW alert - brownie points if you get the joke at 5:51 minutes into the video).

On YouTube's description page, Reed G. explained why he decided to act:
"I've been out all night waiting to confront the guy that has been terrorizing our neighborhood for weeks now. He runs his snow machines, and most recently his car (with no muffler) up and down the street, revving it as loud as he can all night long," he wrote.

"Tonight he woke me up 3x before 2:30 am. This has been going on for weeks, so I knew I had to do something. There are a lot of older folks in this neighborhood that are sickly and need their rest, and a lot of younger folks with little kids too. This guy has no respect for anyone. What you will witness is what happened when I confronted him," Reed said. 

In a separate posting on his personal blog, Reed G. provided further details and an update:
"When they came back and I heard them yelling as they pulled in, I said “Time to go have a talk with these boys,” because I assumed they were going to continue their loud party in the street. I was raised that you politely ask your neighbors to keep it down when they get out of hand.  I figured (this was the plan anyway) I’d walk up, say good morning, you’re awfully loud, please tone it down, and they would say “Sorry sir” (Even if it was a lie) and we’d each go about our way. If they got out of hand again, I’d call the police at that point," wrote Reed G. 

"When I saw them go into the house, the plan changed and I figured, well they’re calling it a night, I’ll get the plate number and be on my way. One of the young men was still outside for whatever reason, so that’s when I started talking to him."

"He went back inside, and I filmed the plate. I had every intention of leaving again, but that’s when I could hear the yelling start up from inside the house, and I wasn’t about to run away. Again I figured I would calmly talk to the angry guy storming toward me. I had no idea who he was or what he was capable of doing so I had to play it cautious for obvious reasons."

"I found his friend to be fairly respectful and restrained. This is how most kids would act in this situation. I don’t hold anything against either of these guys. I don’t like how the one acted, but I understand things happen when you’ve been drinking. When I was about to leave and he uttered the threat , yes that made me mad. That’s something I take serious. My thoughts on this were, why does he think he can bully people into doing what he wants by threatening them with death? What if an elderly neighbor had come over to talk to him? I would be VERY upset if he threatened one of my neighbors in this fashion. There is no reason we should be scared to go out in public at any time of the day, period. I know it’s a fact that going out at night can be dangerous, especially in more populated areas; it’s just a shame our society has let it get to this point (In my opinion.)"

"The last thing I would like to say is, that after I went home, I still did not call the police and was going to go over and have a chat with him again when he was sober the next day. However about forty minutes after I got home, they decided to fire up the car and rev it as loud as they could for 2 solid minutes. it was now around 4am (Just a rough guess). At this point I figured, okay so they didn’t get the message (I wasn’t really surprised.) So I called the police."

"I posted this video so the neighbors would know exactly who the culprit has been these past few weeks. I believe you should be held accountable to your community when you do unacceptable things. And in my opinion, you can have a loud car all you want, but when you intentionally rev it to annoy others, YES, that is unacceptable."

"I am not interested in charging the young man with uttering the threat. I would however like something done about the noise."
"I invited his parents over to discuss the situation (Yes they live right here too, and know exactly what goes on with the noise) but they declined to come over and discuss it," said Reed.


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